Author: enna

I’m a wife and a mom of 3 kids. I can honestly say that being a mom can be overwhelming regardless of the age of your kids. If you don’t practice self-care as a mom, you could jeopardize your efforts to become the mom you want to be.Interestingly, according to a recent survey, being a mom is not a full-time job; it’s equal to 2.5 full-time jobs! Take a moment to internalize that. This further emphasizes the importance of self-care for moms – you need it.Let’s face it, as a mom, there’s a long list of kids’ activities, housework, errands,…

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Do you know that if we all go out of our way to be kind to one person daily, we can gradually change the world? Yes, our kindness can change the world and make it a a better place better place for you, me, and the entire universe.Why don’t you start a ‘kindness movement’ by showing kindness to at least one person today and every day? Here are 40 kindness quotes to inspire you to show kindness to at least one person today. These kindness quotes are by renowned people from all over the world. “I urge you to continue being…

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Do you know that today there are over 7.33 billion mobile phone users worldwide? This is a mind-boggling number of mobile phone users! It amounts to about 91.04% of the global population. No wonder the mobile phone is taking over the world slowly by slowly. Have you ever considered how powerful this small gadget (mobile phone) is? Yes, it’s a small gadget, but it’s slowly destroying and killing things we once held dear. If we’re not careful, the mobile phone could gradually take over the world.Look at some of the things the mobile phone is slowly destroying or killing:It’s killing the clock.It’s killing the good…

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I’m a mom of 3 imperfect kids – they have flaws like any other human being. When I started my parenting journey, I used to strive to be a perfect/super mom. However, over the years I’ve learned that there’s nothing like a perfect mom because human beings can’t attain perfection. So, I gradually became content with being a good enough mom.A good enough mom loves and cares for her children deeply but doesn’t try to create a perfect life for them. A good enough mom helps her kids to grow up in a real environment because when the kids step…

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Two years ago, I felt pain in my right leg’s foot as I climbed the stairs to go to bed. I didn’t bother about the pain – I just slept. The following morning, I woke up immediately after my phone’s alarm went off because I had an early day. I sat on the bed, put my feet on the floor, and as usual, reached out for my mobile phone. I wanted to catch up with what happened in the night as I slept.As I scrolled through my phone, I could feel like the pain on my right foot was worse.…

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I sometimes wonder how I ever managed to live without my mobile phone. It has become such an essential device that I would feel lost without it. Interestingly, my loved ones have sometimes accused me of lacking good mobile phone etiquette. Has anyone accused you of improper mobile phone etiquette?You see, if you don’t use your mobile phone well, you can annoy, irritate, disturb other people and even make their lives miserable. Mobile phone etiquette includes using your phone in the following ways: Thoughtfully: Think about those around you as you use your mobile phone. Considerately: Be considerate of the feelings of…

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Do you ever wish that you had superpowers? When I was a student, I sometimes wished I had a computer in my brain to store and retrieve all the numerous things I was learning. Well, we might not have such superpowers, but we have a secret power in the form of the 5 magical words.I decided to write about the 5 magical words because of something I experienced a few weeks ago. I was queuing in the supermarket to pay for my items. There were two other people ahead of me. Suddenly, a middle-aged woman came and jumped the queue –…

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Hi ladies. I bet some of you don’t know that the word bra is the short form of brassiere. Now you know. Today I want to talk about this precious piece of garment. I’ll talk about why it’s important to know your bra size and how wearing the wrong bra size affects your life.You see, women started wearing bras from time immemorial. For instance, in Ancient Greece, ladies wore a breast band made of linen or wool around their breasts. These women didn’t know their bra sizes but still felt the need to wear something around their breasts.Around 1914, Caresse Crosby, a New York socialite…

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I can’t help grinning as I start writing this article. Years ago, when I was about 12 years old, my beloved dad bought me a beautiful and expensive Christmas dress. When I fitted the dress, everyone said that I looked lovely. However, I didn’t like how I looked in the dress, and it didn’t matter what everyone else said. You see, the dress was long-sleeved, well-fitting, and had a nice belt. The reason I didn’t like it was because it displayed to the world my developing bust. I was at that stage of teenage where I didn’t like what was…

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Women’s bodies come in different sizes and shapes, making each woman unique. I didn’t know my exact body shape for years and this affected my fashion choices in various ways. I can’t overemphasize the importance of knowing your body shape; it helps you to work with your body instead of against it.Your body shape falls into one of these five categories; hourglass, apple, pear, rectangular, or inverted triangle body shape. Your skeletal structure, muscle distribution, predisposed fat, and genetics mainly determine your body shape. So, you can’t do much to change the body you were born with. However, you can enhance…

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