Author: enna

I recently wrote a post about how to host guests in your home for several days without going crazy. After posting the article, I received emails from some of my followers requesting me to also write about how to be a good guest. Some readers talked of being driven crazy by guests (a story for another day). Suppose you visit family or friends and plan to stay with them for several days. In that case, you should try to be a good guest so you don’t drive your host crazy. If you drive your host crazy, your visit might leave a sour…

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11 Money Mistakes We Make In Our Lives Last month, our 19-year-old daughter made what I regard as a money mistake. She traded in her old, dysfunctional, hand-me-down iPhone 6S for an iPhone XS Max. The iPhone 6S was her first phone. It was handed down to her by her uncle 5 years ago when my daughter was 14. She had been saving for a new phone for 9 months. All along, she insisted that she could not buy any other phone apart from an iPhone. The rest of the family and I tried in vain to convince her to…

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I’m looking forward to November because it’s my birthday month. Also, our best family friends are coming to visit us. These friends live in a different country and we haven’t seen them for years. We are going to host them in our home for several days and I’m thrilled.I know hosting guests in the home for several days is no mean feat. In fact, there is a saying that “Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days.” – Benjamin Franklin. I’ve always felt like this is a mean thing to say about guests but it’s somehow true. Guests are good but when…

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I can’t help smiling as I start writing this post. I’m thinking of my youngest sister Wanda who taught me some years back that I don’t have to break the bank to look good. She is one of the most elegant women I’ve ever met. I’ll give you some tricks she taught me on how to look good on a tight budget.Looking good means being clean, smart, trendy, stylish, or fashionable from head to toe. In other words, you become a woman of elegance. When you look good, you feel good about yourself. You feel confident and happy and are…

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Save Your Marriage Hi good people. In my last article, I gave you 10 reasons why marriage fails. I feel like this topic is incomplete if we don’t explore things you can do to save your marriage. Let’s dive right in.As I mentioned in my earlier article, a marriage can fail due to various reasons. Some of the common causes of marriage failure include the following: Lack of commitment by both or either of the spousesBeing an absent spouse Arguing constantly without looking for solutionsLack of communicationFinancial issuesAbuse – physical, mental, emotional, sexual, etc.ContemptStonewallingInfidelityLack of intimacy and SexSuppose your marriage is struggling. You…

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I recently came across a very interesting quote about marriage. The quote says, “Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning, all you need is two hearts and a diamond. However, sometimes by the end, you wish you had a club and a spade.” – Austin Sloan. This got me thinking seriously about why marriage fails and what you can do about it.I’ve always been a hopeless romantic – I believe in love and marriage regardless of the challenges that come with it. I believe that love conquers all and that marriage is forever. Having said that, I know that marriage…

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Hi good people. Today I want to share with you work from home ideas for moms. As I mentioned in another article, I’m a true believer in the financial empowerment of women. As Melinda Gates once said, “When money flows into the hands of women, who have the authority to use it, everything changes for women, their families, and their communities.” Wow!I know being a mom is a demanding 24/7 job. You might be wondering how you can get the time or the energy to work from home to empower yourself financially. The good news is that women are great at…

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I’m a firm believer in financial empowerment for women. According to me, financial empowerment for women simply means a woman having some money of her own so that she doesn’t have to depend on someone for everything. A financially empowered woman can pamper herself and buy things for her kids or her home without always asking for help from her partner. A woman who has some money of her own and is a good enough mom feels confident, happy, and fulfilled. I know being a mom is a challenging job because I’m one too. However, if you manage your time…

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The World Smile Day is around the corner. Oh, yes, you heard right. The World Smile Day is celebrated annually on the first Friday of October. The fact that there is a World Smile Day shows why you shouldn’t underestimate the power of a smile. The World Smile Day? You see, in 1963, Harvey Ross Ball, a commercial artist from Worcester, Central Massachusetts created the ‘smiley face’ that we all love to use. Today, the smiley face is the most popular symbol of good cheer and goodwill in the world. Harvey Ball started World Smile Day in 1999. He did…

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Last week, I experienced a touching act of kindness from a complete stranger. While we were away, one of the pipes in our compound burst. The water started flowing to the road.A guy who lives on the other side of our neighborhood was taking a walk when he noticed the water flowing from our compound to the road. He immediately notified one of our neighbors, and they called me to tell me about the problem. The solution was for someone to jump over our fence to check the cause of the problem. The stranger and one of my neighbors jumped into…

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