Author: enna

Happy International Women’s Day to all the women of the world.  Always remember that since day one, you already had everything you needed within yourself. Never allow the world to convince you otherwise. Keep grinding, and don’t forget that self-care is paramount. Cheers!     Also read: How To Prevent Premature Aging (9 Things You Can Do)

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Hi great people. Your response to my post about true stories of house guests from hell has been overwhelming. Some readers said that they have encountered house guests from hell. Others said they had encountered terrible hosts; hosts from hell. So, today, I want to share some of the stories I received about terrible hosts. The people who sent these stories have allowed me to share them.    The aim of this post is to show you that hosting guests successfully in your home is two-way traffic. If you play your part and your guests play their part, you will all…

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Hi good people. I hope you’re doing well today. Now, some time back, I posted an article about how to be a good guest when staying at someone’s home for several days; don’t drive your host crazy. I got numerous emails from readers narrating their encounters with house guests from hell. House guests who almost drove them crazy, literally.   Today, I want to share some of these true stories of hosts who encountered house guests from hell. I’m sharing these stories to let you know some of the things guests do that drive hosts crazy. I want you to…

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Since I was born, death has taken many people I loved dearly. Some died from sickness, accidents, or natural causes. The first death that caused me a lot of grief was of my maternal grandmother. After that, I grieved for other beloved people such as my paternal grandmother, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, uncles, aunts, my father, and most recently my beloved mother. One thing I’ve realized is that nothing can prepare you for someone’s death. Even when the person is very sick and all the signs of death are there, you are never ready for the finality of death.   When death…

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Hi good people. On Valentine’s Day, I wrote a post in loving memory of my mother. After posting the article, I got overwhelming responses from the readers through email. From the responses, I concluded that people have different feelings for their mothers depending on various factors. Most people love their mothers dearly, others have lukewarm feelings towards their mothers, while others have no connection with their mothers. Something else that stood out from the responses is that a mother doesn’t necessarily have to be your biological mother. A mother is that woman who raised and nurtured you. She could be…

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Hi wonderful people. Today is Valentine’s Day, lest you forget (smiling). I don’t know your view about Valentine’s Day – is it a special day to you or just another ordinary day? My take about this day is that it’s a special day of the year – the day of love. Wow! You know what? There are numerous people you can reassure of your love on this day. For starters, you can appreciate the special person in your life. Also, remember to reach out to the other people you love, such as your children, siblings, parents, friends, etc. We all…

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Hi great people. I recently posted the article how to be a good neighbor: please don’t be a neighbor from hell. After posting the article, I got numerous email responses from some of the readers. Many appreciated the article, and others narrated their encounter with neighbors from hell.   I decided to share this true story about a neighbor from hell. It’s one of the stories I received from one of the readers. I have the reader’s permission to share the story.   The aim of sharing this story is to show you what neighbors from hell look like. In addition,…

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Hi good people. After I wrote the post how to find love at any stage of your life, I got numerous emails from my readers. Many of them shared with me how they found love at different stages of their lives. Others talked of how they found love unexpectedly. In this post, I want to share some of the true stories of people who found love unexpectedly. These are some of the stories some of the readers shared with me. They gave me permission to share their stories with you. I dedicate this post to all of you who are looking…

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Hello good people. After I wrote the article why you should be a good neighbor, I got a lot of emails from some of my followers. Some talked about their harrowing experiences with neighbors from hell. Others requested me to write about how to be a good neighbor.   As usual, your wish is my command. Keep reading to find out how to be a good neighbor. Avoid by all means being a neighbor from hell.   Almost every neighborhood has a neighbor from hell. This is the kind of neighbor who does unpleasant, unreasonable, selfish, and evil things. This neighbor…

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I have started the New Year on a very high note. One of the things I’ve decided to do to make this year happy and fulfilling is to get serious with my fitness journey. I’m doing quite well since I discovered something called faith-fitness. It’s basically inviting God into your fitness journey. I’ve tried all kinds of workouts and exercises over the years in my pursuit of fitness. For instance, I’ve tried walking, jogging, and running. I’ve also tried aerobics, Zumba, skipping, etc. Many a time, I’d get tired of working out after a few days. At some point, I stopped working…

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